Deluxe Fingering

Hand-dyed premium yarn made of 70% alpaca, 20% silk, and 10% cashmere. Pure luxury on the needles!
The yarn is airy and light due to the alpaca fibers, while the silk gives it excellent structure and an even stitch pattern in the finished knit. Finally, cashmere makes this the softest yarn in our collection. The yarn is particularly well-suited for sweaters, scarves, and children's knitwear. If you're knitting for a little one, the Deluxe quality is one of the best options in our range.
Sysleriget Deluxe Fingering | Undyed (grey)

Sysleriget Deluxe Fingering | Undyed (grey)

123,76 kr

Sysleriget Deluxe Fingering | Undyed

Sysleriget Deluxe Fingering | Undyed

123,76 kr