Sysleriget's Yarn Club

Sysleriget's Yarn Club is your monthly surprise, where you receive exclusive hand-dyed yarn without knowing the color in advance.

The yarn is specially dyed for the Yarn Club members and will not be available for purchase afterwards. There is a limited number of memberships available each month.

If you wish to receive more than one skein, you are welcome to order multiple Yarn Club memberships.

It’s a closely guarded secret what the yarn will look like, meaning you’ll only know when you open the package.

Sign-ups for the Yarn Club close on the 10th of each month, and the yarn is shipped from Sysleriget around the 20th of each month.

!! PLEASE NOTE !! If you order other yarns along with the Yarn Club, they will be delivered together with the Yarn Club shipment.

Sysleriget Mystery Yarn Club

Sysleriget Mystery Yarn Club

247,52 kr